- The Ming
Dynasty Bronze Acupuncture Figure and Acupuncture Theory in Ancient
- Ancient
Tales of Chinese Medicine
- In 1971, while planning United States
presidentRichard Nixon’s state visit to China,
- Secretary ofState Henry
Kissinger made a secret trip to Beijing viaPakistan.
- Traveling with him was a
reporter from theNew York Times,
- who had asudden attack of appendicitis
when they arrived inBeijing.
- The reporter,James Reston, underwent
emergency surgery with conventionalanesthesia,
- but the next day, once the anesthesia
wore off,Reston was still in pain.
- Chinesedoctors suggested using
acupuncture to reduce the pain.
- Restonagreed,
- and twenty minutes after the tiny silver needleswere
inserted in his body,
- he felt better.
- When Kissingerarrived back in the United States,
- and described Reston’s
- it
set off a furor of interest inacupuncture.
- After severaldecades of mutual
- most
Americans knew very little about Chineseculture.
- Like other Westerners,
- they were amazed to
learn that tiny needlescould reduce pain
- more effectively than
- In China, acupunctureis widely used in medical treatment
- Three
years ago,
- I
suddenly came down with a seriouscough,
- a so-called “dry cough.”
- In TraditionalChinese
Medicine (TCM), dry coughs are considered extremely hard tocure.
- My coughingwent on for
two months.
- It
was so bad I couldn’t sleep atnight.
- I went to the hospital for chest
X-rays, butthey turned out normal.
- A blood test was also normal.
- The doctors couldn’t
figure out what was wrongwith me.
- The coughing grew worse,
- and I could hardly get
any work done.
- A
friend ofmine introduced me to an acupuncturist.
- I told him my problem,
- and he said he could
cure me.
- He
stuck needles in a few acupuncturepoints,
- and by that evening, I was already
- and
sleptthrough the night.
- But I was still coughing the nextday,
- and went tothe doctor
- After a
second course of treatment, my cough wascompletely cured.
- In thislecture, we will
discuss the way that Chinese acupuncture can curedisease.
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